Malachi 2:16 - God Loves to Honor Covenants

This is an extract from the book "Her Seed".

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I find a striking resemblance between Genesis 2:16-17 and Genesis 39:9.

Pharaoh withheld nothing from Joseph except his wife because she belonged to him.
God withheld nothing from Adam except the forbidden tree along the same line of reasoning.

It brings to mind the principle of tithing.

God gave us everything except a portion which He designated as His. This serves as a form of acknowledging Him as the Source of provision. This is another typology.

If we were to look at Adam’s action in that light, he effectively committed adultery, taking God’s “wife” so to speak. Gosh! It brings to mind Proverbs 9:17.

Marriage is a covenant of love and God is a covenant-keeping God.  This is the reason He hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). Divorce is the breaking of a covenant.
The emphasis is on Him being a covenant-keeping God. I would paraphrase Malachi 2:16 as “God loves to honor covenants”.

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