Hear and See What?


See and hear what?
The Messiah, Saviour Himself.

Luke 10:23-24 Amplified Bible 
The Joyous Results 
23 Then turning to His disciples, Jesus said privately,

“Blessed [joyful, spiritually enlightened, and favored by God] are the eyes which see what you see,(A) 24 for I say to you that many prophets and kings longed to see what you see, and they did not see it; and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”

Cross references: Luke 10:23 : Matt 13:16, 17

 cf Matthew 13:16-17 Amplified Bible 
 An Explanation
16 But blessed [spiritually aware, and favored by God] are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.(A) 17 I assure you and most solemnly say to you, many prophets and righteous men [who were honorable and in right standing with God] longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.

Cross references: Matthew 13:16 : Luke 10:23, 24
