In John 17:1-2, Jesus referred His crucifixion as glorious.
Jesus said that foxes have holes and birds, nests to rest. But the Son of Man has no place to lay His Head (Matthew 8:20, Luke 9:58).
When Jesus was on the cross, He bowed his head gave up his spirit (John 19:30).
The same Greek word is used for “lay” and “bow”; klinó.
Remember what Jesus said in John 4:31-34?
He had food for nourishment that we know not of.
Jesus is being nourished when saving souls.
Jesus’ resting place was on the Cross. Jesus found rest in redemption.
God rested when Creation was completed. Jesus rested when redemption was accomplished.
Jesus is the Lord of Sabbath (Matthew 12:8, Mark 2: 28, Luke 6:5).
The Sabbath was made for man, not men for Sabbath (Mark 2: 27).
Every day is a Sabbath day for believers because we live a life of rest in Christ.
We can be at rest from worries and anxieties. Not that we won’t feel them in our emotions for we definitely will.
Jesus said we will have trials and tribulations in this world. But we can rest being fully assured that these things cannot harm us because Jesus has conquered them (John 16:33).
We can cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).
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