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Genesis 3:15 is widely believed to be the protevangelium; the first announcement of the Gospel.
Protevangelium is a compound word of two Greek words, protos meaning "first" and evangelion meaning "good news" or "gospel".
The Gospel of God is the good news of salvation [Romans 1:1, Amplified Bible].
The good news is with regards to His Son [Romans 1:3, Amplified Bible], Who came in the flesh as Jesus the Christ to be the sacrificial Lamb to take away the sin of the world [John 1:29, Amplified Bible].
God prepared a physical body for His Son to be offered as a sacrifice [Hebrews 10:5-7, Amplified Bible].
The OT Passover lambs were a type of Christ’s sacrifice; the ultimate and final sacrifice for sins.
The Gospel has never been an afterthought.
The Gospel preceded creation.
God rested from His work of creation, but the redemptive plan kicked in immediately.
Jesus rested from His work of redemption when He sat at the right hand of Father God.
Through it all, the triune God was involved; God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
The entire Holy Bible is about Christ Jesus, from before antiquity all the way to eternity.
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