The authority of righteousness

But about the Son [the Father says to Him], 
— Hebrews 1:8 

The above verse is quoting from Psalm 45:6. 

Right here, we see the New Testament interpreting the Old. 

God is the Possessor of the heavens and the earth. He is Sovereign. He is already enthroned. Why is there a need for Him to establish His Kingdom on earth then? 

God gave this world to Adam to rule (Genesis 1:26-28). But Adam gave it to Satan who is now the god and ruler of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). God the Father took back rightful ownership through the righteous way; by Christ crucified. In other words, God did it legally. He did not use His authority as God to forcibly take it back. That would be unrighteous of Him. 

God exercised the authority of righteousness. 

He gave the throne of the world to God the Son as Jesus the Man through legal channel; Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 15:27-28). 

God the Father made God the Son the Ruler of this world. If Adam had not fallen, he would have been the one. 

We have seen earlier that the throne of God is founded on righteousness and justice (Psalm 89:14). 

We have also seen how God the Father has established His Kingdom on earth based on the same foundation (Romans 3:21-26, 2 Corinthians 5:21). 

There is an appointed time for the Kingdom to manifest. 

God is preparing His people to rule with Christ. When that determined size of His royal subjects is achieved, then God will turn His attention back to Israel again and then all Israel will be saved! 

Christ Jesus will then return a second time to seize back complete control over the world.  

The scriptural basis as follows: 
1. God turned away from Israel because of her rejection of the Messiah (Acts 13:46, Romans 11:7-10); 
2. God did not reject Israel. He still loves her for the sake of their ancestors (Romans 11:1-2; 28-29); 
3. By Israel’s rejection of the Messiah, salvation came to the Gentiles to make them jealous over what they have forfeited so that God may show them the same mercy He has lavished on Gentiles (Romans 11:11-14; 31); 
4. God will once again turn His attention to Israel when the full number of Gentiles has come in (Romans 11:25-27); 
5. Then all Israel will be saved (Romans 11:26); 
6. God’s people will judge the world and angels (1 Corinthians 6:2-3); 
7. God’s people are a holy priesthood (1 Peter 2:9); and 
8. Christ Jesus will return to seize control of the world (Revelation 20:7-10). 

This brings to mind the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks (490 years) by prophet Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27). Each week comprises seven years. This has got to do with the future of Israel; a biblical timepiece. 

It also reminds me of Luke 4:18-19 when our Lord Jesus stopped short at “the time of God’s favor” or “ready to give blessings” as He was quoting from Isaiah 61:1-2.

Isaiah 61:1-2 The Living Bible 
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the suffering and afflicted. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted, to announce liberty to captives, and to open the eyes of the blind. 2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of God’s favor to them has come, and the day of his wrath to their enemies.

Luke 4:18-19, The Living Bible 
 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted and to announce that captives shall be released and the blind shall see, that the downtrodden shall be freed from their oppressors, and that God is ready to give blessings to all who come to him.” 

God is so faithful and precise in fulfilling His promise to the very comma (Matthew 5:18).  

The little comma represents a stay in execution of the wrath of God and the duration of the Church Age we now live in. 

Most scholars believe that 69 weeks have passed. 

The final week is commonly known as the tribulation period. 

There is a huge gap between the 69th and 70th week. 

You can read more about it HERE

God is extremely patient not wishing for any to perish (Romans 2:4-5, 2 Peter 3:9). 

Repentance is nothing more than a change in thinking. 

But time is running short (Romans 13:11, 1 Corinthians 7:31, Colossians 4:5, Ephesians 5:16). Even Satan knows it (Revelation 12:12). 

If you have not received Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I entreat you to join me in this prayer: 

“Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Today, I receive your gift of salvation. I trust you as my personal Lord and Savior. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for dying for my sins and making me the righteousness of God in You. Amen!” 

Welcome to the big family of loving Father God!

Note:  This is an extract from my book entitled "Her Seed - The First Time".

You may wish to look out for its launch HERE.
