This is an extract from the book "Her Seed".
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“Reward” is also rendered “restitution” which means
recompense. As a noun, “recompense”
means compensation or reward given
for loss or harm suffered or effort made.
A noun refers to a person,
place or thing.
Jesus Christ Himself is both the compensation and the reward
just as He is both the Lamb and the Shepherd (John 1:29; John 10:11).
His sacrifice is the compensation for sin (Romans 3:25-26; Hebrews
10:10-14; 1 John 2:2).
“It is finished” (John 19:30). In Greek, it is TETELESTAI! "PAID IN FULL!"
THREE words in English, ONE word in Greek; three Divine
Persons, one Triune God.
By that same sacrifice is also the reward or gift of
righteousness (Romans 5:15-17; 2 Corinthians 5:21). And because of Jesus’
obedience, we now have the Power of Attorney to use His Name that is above all
names (Philippians 2:5-11).
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