This is an extract from the book "Her Seed".
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In the first century, Nazareth was a small town about 55 miles north of Jerusalem and it had a negative reputation among the Jews. Galilee was generally looked down upon by Judeans. Nazareth of Galilee was especially despised (John 1:46); the despised of the despised.
That was spicy!
Jesus the Man was the most despised being in the despised of despised towns. This was how lowly our Lord and Savior came (Zechariah 4:10).
This humble beginning was but the start of the most glorious and remarkable victory the world will ever witness!
If this was Matthew’s emphasis, the prophecies Matthew had in mind could include these two passages concerning the Messiah:
1. Psalm 22:6-7 A worm scorned and despised, mocked, and insulted by everyone
2. Isaiah 53:3 A lowly esteemed man of suffering who is familiar with pain; despised, and rejected.
The Nazarenes were “scorned by everyone” and so one could see this messianic prophecy as alluding to Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth.
Nathanael represented those sentiments when he said: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” (John 1:46).
In Jesus’ day, Nazarenes were “despised and rejected” and so Isaiah’s prophecy could be viewed as an indirect reference to Jesus’ background as the supposed son of a carpenter from Nazareth and also one Who was born out of wedlock.
If Psalm 22:6–7 and Isaiah 53:3 were the prophecies that Matthew had in mind, then the meaning of “He shall be called a Nazarene” is something akin to “He shall be despised and mocked by His own people.”
How low can a person go?
Jesus was born in the lowest strata of society and died the most humiliating death on the Cross.
Jesus not only identified with humanity by coming to our world, He also identified with the lowly of this world. He was labeled a child born out of wedlock due to His Virgin birth (footnote to Mark 6:3 AMP). His upbringing in an obscure and despised town, as a despised child, served as an important part of His mission.
All that was for the expressed purpose of identifying with us (Hebrews 4:15).
It was the pinnacle of the amazing love of the Father for His beloved children!
This is how deep a love our Father God has for us!
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In the first century, Nazareth was a small town about 55 miles north of Jerusalem and it had a negative reputation among the Jews. Galilee was generally looked down upon by Judeans. Nazareth of Galilee was especially despised (John 1:46); the despised of the despised.
That was spicy!
Jesus the Man was the most despised being in the despised of despised towns. This was how lowly our Lord and Savior came (Zechariah 4:10).
This humble beginning was but the start of the most glorious and remarkable victory the world will ever witness!
If this was Matthew’s emphasis, the prophecies Matthew had in mind could include these two passages concerning the Messiah:
1. Psalm 22:6-7 A worm scorned and despised, mocked, and insulted by everyone
2. Isaiah 53:3 A lowly esteemed man of suffering who is familiar with pain; despised, and rejected.
The Nazarenes were “scorned by everyone” and so one could see this messianic prophecy as alluding to Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth.
Nathanael represented those sentiments when he said: “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” (John 1:46).
In Jesus’ day, Nazarenes were “despised and rejected” and so Isaiah’s prophecy could be viewed as an indirect reference to Jesus’ background as the supposed son of a carpenter from Nazareth and also one Who was born out of wedlock.
If Psalm 22:6–7 and Isaiah 53:3 were the prophecies that Matthew had in mind, then the meaning of “He shall be called a Nazarene” is something akin to “He shall be despised and mocked by His own people.”
How low can a person go?
Jesus was born in the lowest strata of society and died the most humiliating death on the Cross.
Jesus not only identified with humanity by coming to our world, He also identified with the lowly of this world. He was labeled a child born out of wedlock due to His Virgin birth (footnote to Mark 6:3 AMP). His upbringing in an obscure and despised town, as a despised child, served as an important part of His mission.
All that was for the expressed purpose of identifying with us (Hebrews 4:15).
It was the pinnacle of the amazing love of the Father for His beloved children!
This is how deep a love our Father God has for us!
Grab your copy HERE.
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