
The focus is on Jesus rather than the experience of others. When the focus is right, everything else falls in place.   Focus right to live right. What’s left would be blessings. 

The account of the paralyzed man lowered through the roof to be healed by Jesus demonstrated that. Luke chapter 5 verses 17 to19, and verses 24 to 25. 

When we look to Jesus as the solution, everything that needs to be done will be incidental. However, if one decides to put one foot in the “boat” of Jesus and the other in the “boat” of the world, the outcome will be splittingly painful. James chapter 1 verses 6 to 7. 

 The way of Jesus and that of the world goes in opposite directions. 

In the broadest sense, the counsel of God is this: He loves us and will provide us with everything He knows is good for us. 

However, if one decides to put one foot in the “boat” of Jesus and the other in the “boat” of the world, the outcome will be splittingly painful. James chapter 1 verses 6 to 7. 

The above is an extract from the book entitled "Her Seed".
Grab your copy of the book HERE!
